畢業紀唸 刻印文字示例

* 示例字體內的灰色文字僅作參攷。實際商品會根據您的需要刻印相應的文字。

Good for You!乾得好!加油!
Believe in yourself相信自己
Best Wishes最好的祝福
Good Luck!萬事如意
Live, Love, Laugh and be Happy!生活在笑、愛與倖福中
Don't Worry, Be Happy!祝妳倖福無憂無慮
You can do it!妳一定行!
The sky is your only limit!天高憑君躍!
I'm always on your side我永遠在妳身邊
You are not alone妳不是一個人
There will never be another you妳是我的唯一
As Time Goes By時間飛逝
Shining Future燦爛的未來
as the proof of completion結業 / 畢業証明
Merci謝謝 (法語)
Things will turn out fine切都會變好的
You're the best!妳是最棒的!
Wishing you every success!祝妳馬到功成!
Let your success story begin!成功之路始于今
Dreams come true夢想成真
I've learnt so much from you我嚮您學到很多東西
Friends Forever!永遠的朋友!
Congratulations on your graduation!祝賀順利畢業!
Wishing you good luck & success祝妳吉星高照,馬到成功
Thank you for being wonderful, Teacher!謝謝您一直以來對我的教誨,您是我心中最棒的老師,謝謝!
Thank you for all your guidance & support謝謝您的教誨、支持與關愛
You're the Best Teacher!老師,您最棒!
I'm so glad there is you我因有妳而倖福
Fortune comes in by a merry gate笑顏門開迎福來
I owe what I am now to you我能有今天全託妳的福
Best wishes for your continued success願妳成功接踵而來
Que Sera Sera無論是什麼就是什麼
All the best for your future前程似錦
Certificate of Appreciation感謝証書




